Archives 1990 - 1999

November/December 1999
Creating a Mentoring Program Mark A. Keller
Determinates of Vacant Land Values and Implications for Appraisers Douglas S. Bible, Ph.D. and Chengho Hsieh, Ph.D.
Environmental Challenges Can Create Work for Real Estate Appraisers Steven A. Levine, CERS, CERA
Partnering with FHWA W. Howard Armstrong, SR/WA
September/October 1999
A Case of Floodway Robbery—Bargaining for Relocatable Easements Wayne C. Lusvardi
Property Ownership Betrayed—A Case Commentary Dan Dennis Hartnett
Unlikely Friends—Excerpts from Right of Way Man James S. Broadbent
July/August 1999
Access to Public and Private Lands Bernard W. Lea, SR/WA
Determining the Value of Trees—The Dilemma of Property Acquisition with Landscaping John P. Weber
Teaming for Success—Program Management Consultants Offer Many Advantages Richard Hurst, SR/WA
May/June 1999
A Response to Don Gordon's Commentary James H. Anspach, P.G., Thomas E. Iseley, PhD, PE, and C. Paul Scott, PE
A Successful Approach to Voluntary Acquisitions David Cavanaugh
Locating Subsurface Utilities—A Commentary on Proposed Level of Care Standards Don Gordon
Public Interest Value Versus Market Value—Why Public Policy Makers Pay More Than Market Value for Preservation Land Wayne C. Lusvardi
The Enhancement Factor—Exploring a Unique Aspect of Transportation Corridor Appraisals Arthur G. Rahn
March/April 1999
Assessing Harmful Factors—An Alternative Model for the Valuation of Affected Properties Wayne C. Lusvardi
The Impact of Communication Towers on Residential Property Values Allen G. Dorin, Jr., MAI, SRA and Joseph W. Smith III
January/February 1999
Setting Value on a Gas Pipeline Easement Part Two—Case Studies of Potential Damages William R. Lang, MAI and Brett A. Smith
Young Leadership Council Eager to Work for Change Michael L. Welch, YLC Chair
November/December 1998
Appraising a Transportation Corridor Gary S. Valentine, ASA, SR/WA
Condemnation of Over-Regulated Toxic Properties—Assuring Just Compensation and Full Disclosure of True Toxic Risk Wayne C. Lusvardi
The Value of Mediation Lawrence A. Huerta
Valuing Nature Land in Thin Disappearing or Embargoed Markets—Appraising Inside the Bermuda Triangle Wayne C. Lusvardi
September/October 1998
Expanding IRWA's International Potential—IRWA Joins with FHWA and Virginia DOT to Host Japanese Delegation Mike Jones
Is that Right of Way or an Easement…And Does it Really Matter? Rick Elliot, SR/WA
Railroad Title Research Along the Inland Feeder Project Gerald L. Van Gompel, PLS
Setting Value on a Gas Pipeline Easement—A History and Synthesis of Methodology William R. Lang, MAI and Brett A. Smith
July/August 1998
Environmental Issues in Condemnation Assuring the Condemnor the Same Information as the Ordinary Real Estate Buyer Mary B. Bonacorsi
Roadside Safety -- A Moral Obligation Robert Legato, SR/WA
The Death of Right of Way Corridors Understanding Wireless Technologies for Cell Site Leasing Wayne C. Lusvardi
May/June 1998
Economic Easements -- There Ought to Be a Law Jay L. Messer, MAI and Ronald D. Nelson, MAI
ESRE Revisited Richard R. Heller, III and Parker Reynolds
Noncompensability and Project Influence J.L. Craft, MAI, PhD
Overburdening Easements William L. Busch, SR/WA
Spring 1998
Condemnation in California Redefining Damages for Partial Takings Redefining Damages in Partial Takings Orell C. Anderson, SCREA, and Richard A. Neustein, MAI, SPRA
Innovative Educational Course Takes Shape Pilot Presentation of IRWA's New Pipeline Course is a Resounding Success David W. Sinclair, SR/WA
Outsourcing—The Right of Way Team of the Future How to Get the Job Done Without Killing Each Other Brent Leftwich
Role of the Professional Land Surveyor -- An Old and Honorable Profession Ronald L. Williams, SR/WA
Valuation of Telecommunications Sites A Method for Appraising Unique Properties R. Lane Boice
November/December 1997
Right of Way Acquisition in the Garden State Lester Finch
So You Need a Survey! Ronald L. Williams, SR/WA
Turn Brownfields Into Greenbacks Using Property Tax Reductions Randall L. Bell, MAI
What Did You Say Tips for Better Negotiating Cleo Grounds, SR/WA
September/October 1997
A Class Action Solution to a Right of Way Problem Charles R. Watkins
Eco-Tourist Resort Valuation A Traditional Appraisal Methods Approach Craig D. Hugerford and Donald C. Wilson
Rights of Way on Arizona State Trust Lands Mark A. Keller
July/August 1997
Beyond Superpayments Successful Solutions for Displaced Tenants Catherine Sugg
Definitive Factors for Selecting and Valuing Mountaintop Telecommunication Sites Wayne Lusvardi
Partial Acquisitions Comparing Federal Rule and State Rule James E. Frye, SR/WA 
May/June 1997
Partial Takings, Missing Items and Double Compensation William S. Gordon
The Effects of Freeway Construction on Auto Sales Determining Consequential David W. Durr, Ph.D. and Charles A. Smith, Ph.D.
The Flawed Logic of Sales Substitution in the Appraisal of Land Suitable for Habitat Preservation or Mitigation Wayne C. Lusvardi
March/April 1997 
Estimating Commercial Severance Damages David Champagne, SR/WA
A Land Title Survey Primer Understanding the Minimum Standard Detail Requirements William F. Brewster
Where Are Those Files When You Need Them? Creating a Comprehensive Records Management System Charles L. Casper, SR/WA
Assessing Diminution in Value -- A Methodology for Categorizing Detrimental Conditions Randall L. Bell, MAI
January/February 1997
Blatnik to Now: A Modern History of U.S. Highway Legislation Wayne F. Kennedy
Site Acquisition for Wireless Networks Turning Obstacles into Opportunities Steven J. Schulke
The Development of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System-Twenty Years Across Alaska Peter Nagel and Dennis Prendeville
Toward Just and Feasible Solutions The Preservation Use Debate Rages On Craig D. Hungerford and Donald C. Wilson
November/December 1996
A Critique of the Position Papers on the Valuation of Land Suitable for Habitat Preservation for Mitigation Wayne C. Lusvardi
A Unique Sublease/Option Agreement Michael Kelly
Ethics and the Right-of-Way Professional -- The Code, Rules, and Standards, and their Administration by the International Ethics Committee James Finnegan, SR/WA
Statement on Appraisal Standards No. 9  
September/October 1996
Encouraging Surveyor's Involvement Building a Network that Works Teri Kahlen
Partial Takings of Lodging Facilities Operational Issues Affecting Hospitality Uses Paul A. Quintiliani, MAI
Surveys Valuation Tools to Support/Disclaim Damage Thomas S. Wagner, SR/WA
Transmission Line Impact on Residential Property Values A Study of Three Pacific Northwest Metropolitan Areas Steven C. Bottemiller, MAI  , James M. Cahill and J.R. Cowger
July/August 1996
Focus on Employment Practices R/W Industry Faces Greater Scrutiny from IRS Charles M. Davis
Memoir of an Instructor's Clinic Sharing a Passion for the Profession S.J. Stephenson, SR/WA
Ten Standard Classifications of Detrimental Conditions Measuring the Effects of Real Estate Values Randall L. Bell, MAI
The Appraisal of Easements Under the State Rule Separating Fact From Fiction Wayne Lusvardi
May/June 1996
A Plot of His Own -- The King Without a Title Fred Roeder
How Far Way Can a Comparable Sale Be? – Comparing Environmentally Significant Real Estate Craig D. Hungerford and Donald C. Wilson
Utility & Liaison Committees Present a Federal Update Robert Legato, SR/WA
Win/Win Negotiating Skills for R/W Professionals Michelle Kirtley
March/April 1996
Columbus Meets St. Patrick Compensation for a Displaced Woman Raymond B. Cook, SR/WA
Ethics in the Appraisal Profession Max J. Derbes, Jr., SR/WA, MAI
Metric Conversion Software James E. Frye, Jr., SR/WA and Richard R. Walker
USPAP and Expert Testimony Jeffrey K. Jones
January/February 1996
Acquisition of Right of Way Involving Cemeteries Understanding Cemetery Placement and Traditions  
Valuation of Contaminated Property Taken Through Eminent Domain Guidelines for Appraising Environmental Contamination Daniel Sorrells
November/December 1995
Beyond Railroad Day Speakers Respond to Questions William C. Basney, Robert L. Bartholic, Jon Erick Kingstad, James E. Farrell, Charles C. De Weese, Mark H. Brain and John G. Pinto
August/September 1995
Affirming a Pipeline's Eminent Domain Rights Escaping Excessive Franchise Fees Joseph S. Dzida, Esq.
Economic Preservation Use Is it Highest and Best Use? Craig D. Hungerford and Donald C. Wilson
Protecting Native American Graves -- A Highway Employee's Experience Clyde B. Johnson, SR/WA
June/July 1995
Shedding Some Light on Solar Easements Rick Elliot, SR/WA
The Right Right of Way Easements Made Easy Jerry Moran
April/May 1995
Off-System Enhancement Projects Satisfying ISTEA Provisions David H. Young, SR/WA
Partial Takings of Mitigation Real Estate -- A Case Study of Severance Damages Arthur E. Gimmy, MAI, Michael G. Yoder, Esq. and Donald C. Wilson
Perspectives in Eminent Domain Research Findings Burton H. Marcus, Ph.D., ASA
February/March 1995
Designing Tomorrow Through Today Through IRWA Influencing Career Choices Carol Bellinger
IRWA from 1960 to the Present International Historian's Report Wayne F. Kennedy
Public Interest Value Understanding Environmentally Significant Real Estate Craig D. Hungerford and Donald C. Wilson
A Perspective on Utility Corridors Utility Corridor Evolution and Benefits Carl Barnett
Acquisition in the Public Interest Principles to Appraise Land for Public Purposes Norman H. Lee
Alaska's Transportation Dilemma A View of Alaska's Transportation Network Edwin M. Rhoads
Appraisal Review in Light of USPAP Technical and Administrative Reviews Thompson Bradford Core
The Railroads are a Comin' -- An Invitation to Railroad Day Robert J. Legato
October/November 1994
Running for the Money Right of Way Agent Takes a Lucrative Step David Layne, SR/WA
The Impact of Asbestos on Real Estate Values Managing Hazardous Property Randall L. Bell, MAI
Which Way is North? You Think You Know Don't You? Albert J. Hebrank, PLS
August/September 1994
Mediation: An Alternative to Litigation Michael L. Kelly
Simple Acquisitions Appraising Parcels to $10,000 Clyde B. Johnson, SR/WA
The Manzano Mesa Subdivision Management of Public Property for Enterprise Purposes Charles O. Atwood
Valuing Mitigation Real Estate Maintaining Protected Environments Donald C. Wilson
June/July 1994
Designing a Profit Center Dump the Fads, Games, Gimmicks and Schemes James L. Overcamp, Jr., SR/WA
Estimating Setback Value A Review of Mathematical Techniques David M. Champagne
IRWA Turns 60 -- The International Historian's Report Wayne F. Kennedy
Natural Gas Pipeline Impact on Single-Family Residential Property Values -- An Empirical Study of Two Market Areas Mary Beth Beckler, William N. Kinnard, Jr., and Sue Ann Dickey
Purchases by Condemning Authorities as Comparable Sales Interpreting New Federal Standards for Environmental Real Estate Craig D. Hungerford and Donald C. Wilson
April/May 1994
Free-Product Recovery and Site Remediation -- A Case Study Eric P. Anderson, David B. Twedell, H. Stanton Johnston, Jr., and Maureen Farrell
Journey to the Center of the Earth Subsurface Easements Revisited Wayne C. Lusvardi
Pre-Acquisition Due Diligence Reducing Environmental Cleanup Costs Randy Airst
Relocation in Canadian Expropriation Law Making the Owner Whole Eric R. Finn
February/March 1994
Access in Alaska Should You Be Concerned? Anna Plager
An Unknown Hero Lion, Teddy Bear, Mentor Ronn Carlentine, SR/WA
Animation—Not Just Entertainment Visualizing the End Product Joan Fithian Tatge
Is Your Outside Plant on a Powder Keg -- No Substitute for Training Jerry Moran
Pursuing Excellence Should You Be Concerned? Charles L. Casper, SR/WA
The Benefits of Studies Land Use and Valuation Marion E. Everhart, MAI, ARA, CRA, SCV, MREC
December 1993
Before and After — The Documentation of Severance Damages David Champagne
Legal Issues in the Pipeline Environment Steven J. Adams
Limited Fee and Reversionary Interests in Railroad Right of Way Jon Erik Kingstad
Managing a Melting Easement -- The Iditarod National Historic Trail Paul C. Costello, SR/WA and Rick Elliott
What Price a Franchise? Condemnation of Subsurface Rights in Public Streets by a Pipeline Company Joseph S. Dzida, Esq.
October 1993
Bona Fide Negotiations in New Jersey Lester G. Finch
First Nations Self-Government and the Right to Cross Indian Land Kim Fullerton
The Acquisition of Abandoned Railway Right of Way for Existing and Future Public Uses Julius M.L. Gorys, MCIP, PLE, Bryan Howard, and Robert C. Wolvin, SR/WA
August 1993
GPS The New Observatory David Paul Johnson
More Semi-Deep Easements -- An Appraisal Case Study Richard C. Floyd, SR/WA
Professionalizing Appraisal Reports Harry Yasumoto, Ph.D., MBA, SREA, MAI
Program Assessment for New Managers David A. Leighow
Utilities Spark Remote Sensing Demand Harold J. Hough
June 1993
Enforcing the Open Easement Steven L. Dykema and William A. Horn
Mitigate or Avoid? You Can Get There From Here! James E. Chase, Ph.D. and Michael L. Hayden
Records Management, Disposal and Retention Charlene Endsley-Burge, MBA, SR/WA
Sitting on a Goldmine Making the Most of City-Owned Real Estate Ann Ludwig and Alan R. Gianini
April 1993
Business Relocation—Pricing the Moving Component Robert N. Merryman
Erie Canal Historical Marker Cletus A. Benjamin, SR/WA
Reverse Mortgage R. Stanley Morgan, SR/WA
Wetlands Banking -- A Good Investment? Clyde B. Johnson, SR/WA
February 1993
Computer Mapping There's Nothing to be Afraid Of Johnny Pitts
The Right-of-Way Professionals Guide to Avoiding Environmental Hazards Ronald D. Miller, Esq.
The Senior Appraisal Exam Is it Necessary for it to be Such a Trial? Richard J. Wurtz, SR/WA
December 1992
Finding the Missing Piece of the Puzzle In Appraising Temporary Physical Acquisitions Wayne C. Lusvardi
Selecting Professional Real Estate Consultants David R. Lewis, SR/WA, ASA
The Superconducting Super Collider Richard C. Hurst, SR/WA and Marvin A. Shepherd
October 1992
Airports and Communities in Conflict L. Alex Fitch, Jr.
Pipeline Construction in Sensitive Areas: El Paso's Kofa National Wildlife Refuge Experience James F. George
The Appraisal of Underground Easements Max J. Derbes, Jr., SR/WA
The ESA and What It Can Accomplish Tom K. Martella
August 1992
Distinctions Between Independent Contractors and Employees Joseph H. Fields
Eight Approaches to the Valuation of Temporary Easements Dwight Pattison, SR/WA
In the Field . . .Conducting a Records Search Bernard Lea SR/WA
Sour Gas, Set Back Restrictions and Injurious Affection John P. Kerkhoven, SR/WA
Surviving in a Stressful World Gordon Pierce, M.Ed.
June 1992
Paving the Way for GIS Helen Ireland, SR/WA
Setting Your Limits Lloyd J. Cook, PLS
Western Regional Corridor Study Part 3 Carl Barnett, Michael Clayton and Susan Shafer
April 1992
Declaration of Specialization A Rationale for SR/WA Specialties Henry A. Taylor, SR/WA
Have Consultants Changed with the Times? John J. Coates, Jr.
Some Practical Aspects of Pipeline Routing Robert A. Martin, Jr.
February 1992
In the Field 'Watch Out for Those Reverters!' Rick Elliott
Understanding Wetlands and the 404 Process Clyde B. Johnson, SR/WA
December 1991
138Kv Transmission Lines and the Value of Recreational Land Glenn J. Rigdon
High Speed Rail Line Edward J. Bolden and Change Hsing-Ming
Planning Considerations in the Highest and Best Use Analysis David R. Lewis, SR/WA
October 1991
Creating Infrastructure in a Hurry Richard L. Ridings, P.E.
In the Field…Easements Some Basic Concepts Mark E. Sloop, SR/WA
Outdoor Advertising Solution for Right of Way Projects Tracy Graff, SR/WA
Recent Changes in Reporting Real Estate Transfers Cletus A. Benjamin, SR/WA
Rural Properties in Right of Way Valuation Marion E. Everhart
The Western Regional Corridor Study -- A History Carl Barnett and Michael Clayton
August 1991
Negotiating By Fax Kenneth A. Polson
Public Speaking is Not a Horror Charles E. Morrison, SR/WA
Pursing Excellence Continuing Professional Development Bernie McMullan, AACI, SR/WA
The Western Regional Corridor Study -- An Overview Carl Barnett and Michael Clayton
June 1991
An Innovative Approach to Transportation Infrastructure Clyde B. Johnson
Contributions of Real Estate Economics to Right of Way Acquisition James A. Chalmers, Ph.D., CRE, Steven M Pritulsky and Dan Sorrells
Environmental Periodicals for the Right of Way Professional David Layne, SR/WA
Is a Partial Acquisition Displacement? Tracy Graff, SR/WA
The Appraisal Industry, FIRREA and Professionalism Clyde B. Johnson
April 1991
Acquisition Guidelines for Public Agencies David Layne, SR/WA
Are Turnkey Projects a Viable Alternative? Carol A. Shearls
Coordinated Financial Planning Byron S. Cherkas, CPA
Disposal of Surplus Rights of Way, or A Case for 'Across the Fence Value' William R. Lang, MAI
Taking the 'L' Out of 'LUST' Royce L. Conlon and Michael D. Travis, PE, CEP
February 1991
Appraising Landscaping for Partial Takings Russell Gustafson, MAI, ARA
Do Sour Gas Facilities Affect Rural Land Values Don Hoover, P.Ag.and Jim Lore, P.Ag., F.A.I.C.
Don't Jump Into the Briar Patch David A. Leighow
Fair Play-Oil and Gas Development—A Community Perspective John Kerkhoven
High Voltage Power Lines Impact on Nearby Property Values Ben Beasley
December 1990
Home Values Stabilized After Landfill Gas Scare Robert Gambill and Joachim Pestinger, SR/WA
October 1990
Choosing an Environmental Consultant for Preacquisition Site Assessments Michael D. Travis, P.E., C.E.P.
Don't Let Your Fingers Do All the Walking Joseph A. Larkin
Not so Fast Rail-to-Trail Conversions Could be More Costly Than They Appear Michael M. Berger
The Landman's Role in Damage Settlement in the Oil Patch Joseph A. Larkin
August 1990
Appraising Temporary Physical Easements Eliminating the Guesswork Wayne Lusvardi
Mortgage Interest Differential Payments  
Planning Transmission Lines in the Exurbs Phil M. Stoesser
Solving Your Mortgage Computations, A Product Review Robert E. Stevenson, SR/WA
June 1990
Displacement and Public Policy David Leighow
Don't Testify—Communicate! W. M. McClellan, MAI, SRPA
The Supreme Court Affirms the Federal Trail Use and Railbanking Statute Charles H. Montange
The Use of Private Contractors by Local Public Agencies in Acquiring Real Property Charlie Casper
April 1990
Comprehensive Environmental Legislation Part Two W. David Hohman, ASA and Pedro J. Imas, SRA
Estimation of Business Damages for Eminent Domain Brian D. Gee
Parking Study -- An Outline W. David Hohman, ASA and Pedro J. Imas, SRA
Port Everglades Expressway W. David Hohman, ASA and Paul W. McMahan, SR/WA
The Consulting Corner Bryon S. Cherkas, CPA
February 1990
Comprehensive Environmental Legislation Part One W. Paul McCague
Ethics in America Harry J. Joachim
Public Concerns and Issues Sitting Hazardous Waste Facilities D. Jean Lowery Johnston
The Consulting Corner—Damaging a Business Bryon S. Cherkas, CPA