International Executive Committee members serve as officers of the association and partner with staff to carry out the goals and objectives of the organization.

The structure of the IEC and its responsibilities are described in detail in the IRWA bylaws. Below are the current members of IEC, followed by a summary of their responsibilities.




Denise L. Skinner, SR/WA

Phone: 512-914-2672

President Elect

Koby T. Godwin, SR/WA

Phone: 587-785-8607

Vice President

Daniel K. Bucan, SR/WA

Phone: 414-225-2275


Cyndi Whelpley, SR/WA

Phone: 360-929-4823


Matthew D. Harris, SR/WA, R/W-RAC

Phone: 601-946-7459

Executive Director

Tim Drennan, CAE

Phone: 310-433-9672

General Counsel

Yasmin L. Stump, Esq.

Phone: 317-705-0707


Duties and Responsibilities

International President

The International President shall be the chief elected officer of the Association and shall, subject to the control of the Board of Directors and the International Executive Committee, have general oversight of the business and affairs of the Association. This officer shall preside at all meetings of the general membership and of the Board of Directors and International Executive Committee, shall be an ex-officio member of all committees except the Committee on Nominations and Elections, and shall have the general powers and duties of management usually vested in the office of the president of a corporation and such other duties and powers as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors

International President Elect

The International President Elect shall perform the duties of International President if the International President is absent or unable to discharge the duties of office, and shall perform such other duties as may be required by the International Executive Committee, the International President, and the Bylaws. This officer shall be an ex-officio member of all committees, except the International Nominations and Elections Committee, shall act as a liaison between the International President and the said committees, and shall be responsible to the International President and the International Executive Committee for the proper functions of said committees.

International Vice President

The International Vice President shall be responsible for the coordination of activities between the Region Chairs and the office of the International President, and between the Region Chairs and the chapters in their respective regions. The International Vice President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees, except the International Nominations and Elections Committee, and shall also perform such other duties as may be required by the International Executive Committee, the International President, and the Bylaws.

International Treasurer

The International Treasurer shall receive and keep all funds of the Association and, except for the petty cash fund, shall cause disbursement only on the check of the Association, signed in the manner authorized by the Board of Directors and shall perform such other duties as are delegated by the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall serve as a member of the Board of Directors and as a member of the International Executive Committee. The International Treasurer shall be responsible to the Board of Directors through the International President and the International Executive Committee.

International Secretary

The International Secretary shall keep, or cause to be kept, a book of minutes, at the Headquarters of the Association, of all meetings of the Board and of the International Executive Committee. The minutes shall include the time and place of holding, whether regular or special, how authorized, and notice thereof given, the names of those present at such meeting, and the proceedings thereof.

The International Secretary shall keep, or cause to be kept, at the Headquarters, a register, or a duplicate register, showing the names of all the members of the Association and their addresses.

The International Secretary shall give, or cause to be given, a notice of all meetings of the Board required by the Bylaws or by law to be given, shall keep the seal of the Association, shall be responsible for its use, and shall have such other powers and perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors, or as may be ordinarily required of the secretary of an association. The International Secretary shall be responsible to the Board of Directors through the International President and International Executive Committee.

Executive Director

The Executive Director shall, subject to the International President, have general supervision, direction, and control of the Headquarters and of the business affairs of the Association, shall be a member of the International Executive Committee, and shall have the general powers and duties of management usually vested in the office of the executive director of an association or corporation and such other powers and duties as may be prescribed by the International Board of Directors or the International Executive Committee.

Executive Director shall be a non-voting member of the Board, and a non-voting member of the International Executive Committee, and shall be responsible to the Board of Directors through the International President and the International Executive Committee. The Executive Director shall be appointed by the International President, subject to the approval of the International Executive Committee, and shall hold office until such time as he or she retires, resigns, or is removed for cause by the International President, with the approval of the International Executive Committee. At the principal office of the Association, the Executive Director shall employ such personnel as he/she may deem necessary, within the approved budget.

International General Counsel and Parliamentarian

The International General Counsel and Parliamentarian represents the Association in all legal matters. The International General Counsel shall be a member of the International Executive Committee with voice but no vote, shall be appointed by the International President, subject to the approval of the International Executive Committee, and shall hold office until he or she retires, resigns, or receives formal notification of the appointment of a successor. The International General Counsel shall be responsible to the Board of Directors through the International President and the International Executive Committee. The Parliamentarian shall be the final authority on the proper conduct of the business of the Association, having one principal duty of advising the International President on correct parliamentary procedure at all meetings of the Board of Directors or the International Executive Committee, provided that such rulings shall not conflict with the Bylaws or other rules and regulations of the Association.