International Executive Committee
Composition of the International Executive Committee: The members of the Executive Committee include: International President, International President Elect, International Vice President, International Secretary/Treasurer, two Executive Committee Members, Executive Vice President and International General Counsel. The Chief Executive Officer and General Counsel have voice but no vote in the deliberations of the IEC.
International Executive Committee
Denise L Skinner, SR/WA
President Elect
Koby T Godwin, SR/WA
Vice President
Daniel K Bucan, SR/WA
Cyndi Whelpley, SR/WA, R/W-RAC
Matt D Harris, SR/WA, R/W-RAC
General Counsel
Yasmin L Stump
Executive Director
Tim Drennan, CAE
International Governing Council
Denise L Skinner, SR/WA
President Elect
Koby T Godwin, SR/WA
Vice President
Daniel K Bucan, SR/WA
Cyndi Whelpley, SR/WA, R/W-RAC
Matt D Harris, SR/WA, R/W-RAC
General Counsel
Yasmin L Stump
Executive Director
Tim Drennan, CAE
IEC Liaison
Patricia A Petitto, SR/WA, R/W-RAC
Region 01 Chair
Conner McDonald, SR/WA
Region 02 Chair
Maggie Schedler, SR/WA, R/W-RAC, R/W-URAC
Region 03 Chair
Mindy J Leadholm, SR/WA
Region 04 Chair
D. Rossen S Greene, SR/WA
Region 05 Chair
Robert D Kirkpatrick, SR/WA
Region 06 Chair
Anthony L Alderman, SR/WA
Region 07 Chair
Krista Chambers, SR/WA
Region 08 Chair
Kimberley A Millar, SR/WA
Region 09 Chair
Carmelita Delgado, SR/WA, R/W-NAC
Region 10 Chair
Vicki M Green, SR/WA
International Relations Committee
Patty A Quinn, SR/WA, R/W-NAC
Vice Chair
Sharon N Slauenwhite, SR/WA
International Young Professionals Committee
Alyssia Padilla, SR/WA-GN