International Executive Committee
Composition of the International Executive Committee: The members of the Executive Committee include: International President, International President Elect, International Vice President, International Secretary/Treasurer, two Executive Committee Members, Executive Vice President and International General Counsel. The Chief Executive Officer and General Counsel have voice but no vote in the deliberations of the IEC.

International Executive Committee +

International Governing Council +

International Region Vice Chair Discussion Group +

International Real Property Asset Management Committee +

International Electric & Utilities Committee +

International Oil & Gas Pipeline Committee +

International Public Agency Committee +

International Surveying & Engineering Committee +

International Transportation Committee +

International Valuation Committee +

Canada Energy Regulator +

Credentialing Committee +

International Environment Committee +

International Ethics Committee +

International Finance Committee +

International Nominations & Elections Committee +

International Relations Committee +

International Relocation Assistance Committee +

The Partnership for Infrastructure Professional Education +

International Young Professionals Committee +

International Professional Education Committee +

International Marketing & Membership Committee +

International Real Estate Law Committee (Eminent Domain & Compulsory Expropriation Purchase Update) +

International Professional Education Committee – Credentialing +

International Professional Education Committee – Curriculum +

International Professional Education Committee – Instructor Development +

International Investment Committee +