205 - Bargaining Negotiations

  • Course Number: C205
  • Course Title: Bargaining Negotiations
  • Course Level: Advanced
  • IRWA Credits: 16 QEU / CEU
  • AQB Credits: Not Applicable
  • Prerequisites: Not Applicable
This course teaches the skills required to win at bargaining negotiations. Problem-solving negotiations are widely accepted as the preferred type of negotiations. However, successful acquisition professionals must be effective at both bargaining and problem-solving negotiations so they are thoroughly prepared in the event that they encounter an attorney or property owner who insists upon a hard bargaining stance.
Participants will learn:
  • The steps in a bargaining negotiation
  • How to analyze the negotiations to determine if they are progressing in a bargaining or problem-solving mode
  • How to identify the specific skills and attitudes required of successful bargainers
  • How to make the initial offer
  • How and when to grant concessions
  • How to secure concessions from the other party
  • Self-examination, role play and case studies tie negotiations to on-the-job situations
  • New SR/WA: An advanced elective course that can be applied towards the RWP certification.
  • Industry: An advanced elective course that can be applied towards the Generalist pathway for the RWP certification.
  • Specialist: An advanced elective course that can be applied towards the R/W-AMC, R/W-EC, and R/W-NAC certifications.
At the conclusion of the two days, the participants will be able to:
  • Distinguish between integrative and bargaining negotiations
  • Articulate the basic concepts in the funnel technique to integrative negotiations
  • Discuss and employ characteristics of successful bargaining negotiations
  • Exhibit interpersonal communication skills of successful negotiators
  • Understand tough tactics and manipulative ploys and negative outcomes and learn ways to counter or use them to advantage in bargaining negotiations
  • Course Tuition Includes
    • Participant Manual
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