Archives 2010- 2014

Title Author
November/December 2014
Bridges under troubled Waters Kenneth Larry
Career Path Dana Abney, SR/WA
Encroachment Issues Bridget Lauer
How to excel as an expert witness Gary Valentine, SR/WA, MAI, CCIM
The Demise of Nimby Billy R. Medley, SR/WA
An Interchange is Born Barbara Billitzer
The Theory of 21 Chuck Reaves
Exploring Inverse Condemnation Michael F. Yoshiba, ESQ
Your Destiny is Calling Jack Reefer
Going all the Way John Sturgeon, SR/WA, MRICS, FAPI
Teetering on the Brink Kate Shirley
Relocating Care Facilities Darryl Root, R/WW-RAC, JD
A Fresh Perspective Nathan Cruzado
Irwa Salutes the Top 10 Infrastructure Projects  
Urban Freeway Removal Kate Shirley
Engaging our Future Leaders Brodie Allen, SR/WA
The Valuation of Easements Donnie Sherwood, SR/WA, MAI, FRICS
September/October 2014
Spotlight on IRWA's International President Barbara Billitzer
Managing the Crowded Underground Space Bert Bosseler
The Transfer of Knowledge Yogesh Khandelwal and Dan Liggett
IRWA's 60th Annual Conference Highlights Kate Shirley
Straight Talk Mark Rieck
On Hiring Walt Grassl
Career Path Roxinne McPhail
Best in Class Deidre Alves, M. Ed
Member Speak Bonnie Roerig, MAI
Leadership Practices Alesia Latson
On Mentoring Barbara Billitzer
Legal Insight Michael Yoshiba, Esq.
Global Reach Donnie Sherwood, SR/WA, FRICS
Relocation Darryl Root, R/W-RAC, JD
ROW Therapy Dr. Mazie Leftwich, Psy.D
July/August 2014
Presidential Outlook Lee Hamere, SR/WA, R/W-URAC, R/W-RAC
Straight Talk Mark Rieck, EVP
Choose to Lead Randy G. Pennington
Back to Basics Carol L. Brooks, SR/WA
Innovative Learning Deidre Alves, M. Ed.
Practical Essentials Tomas Garza
War Stories Marc Barlow, MAI, CCIM
Legal Insight Michael Yoshiba, Esq.
Global Reach Eze Odigbo, ANIVS
International Outreach Janet Walker, SR/WA, R/W-NAC
Relocation Darryl Root, R/W-RAC, JD
Chapter Spotlight Billy Medley, SR/WA
ROW Therapy Dr. Mazie Leftwich, Psy. D
Real Property Challenges Gordon MacNair, SR/WA, AACI, P.APP
What Lies Beneath Mark Smith
Capitalizing on Energy Abundance Rich Hoffman
The Role of Alternative Credentials Tom Darling
Endangering Rails to Trails Larry Stevens, SR/WA
The United States Land System Kenneth Wang, PE
The Case for Market Value Valery Lafferty
Inside the Association  
May/June 2014
Presidential Outlook Lisa Harrison, SR/WA, R/W-URAC, R/W-RAC, R/W-NAC
Straight Talk Mark Rieck, EVP
Member Speak Billy Medley, SR/WA
Choose to Lead Randy G. Pennington
Reality Check Kate Shirley
Innovative Learning Deidre Alves, M. Ed.
Legal Insight Michael Yoshiba, Esq.
Back to Basics Carol L. Brooks, SR/WA
Social Ecology James A. Kent
War Stories Craig Bennett, SR/WA
Relocation Darryl Root, R/W-RAC, JD
Chapter Spotlight Joe Anderson, SR/WA, R/W-AC
ROW Therapy Dr. Mazie Leftwich, Psy.D
Broad Rights of Avigation Easement

Stephon Bagne, Esq.

Growing Demand for Pipeline Infrastructure Don Santa
The Agency Connection Barbara Billitzer
Who Owns the Property? Bow Brannon
RTD's Multimodal Transit Deborah Mendez Wilson
Connecting Wisconsin

Kath Curren, SR/WA & Kate Shirley

On the Road to Capital Hill Wayne Goss, SR/WA, R/W-NAC
A Unified Voice D. Wade Brown, SR/WA, R/W-RAC, R/W-NAC
In Remembrance  
Inside the Association  
People on the Move  
March/April 2014
Presidential Outlook Lisa R. Harrison, SR/WA, R/W-URAC, R/W-RAC, R/W-NAC
Straight Talk Mark Rieck, EVP
ROW Therapy Dr. Mazie Leftwich, Psy.D
Back To Basics Carol L. Brooks, SR/WA
Choose To Lead Randy G. Pennington
Relocation Darryl Root, R/W-RAC, MBA
Legal Insight Michael Yoshiba, Esq.
Member Speak Wendy Valentine
Reality Check Kate Shirley
Innovative Learning Deidre Alves, M. Ed.
War Stories Eric Finn, Esq.
Budgeting for Complex Business Relocations Hunter Manson, SR?WA, R/W-RAC
Campaigning for Regulatory Reform Barbara Billitzer
A Tale of Two Theories Christina Holmes, SR/WA
Myth of the Defined Width Val K. Hatley, SR/WA
Protecting the Community Paul Brunner, R.W. 
Cydney Bender Reents, MAI
Unlocking a City's Promise Kate Shirley
January/February 2014
Presidential Outlook Lisa R. Harrison, SR/WA, R/W-URAC, R/W-RAC, R/W-NAC
Straight Talk Mark Rieck, EVP
ROW Therapy Dr. Mazie Leftwich, Psy.D
Back To Basics Carol L. Brooks, SR/WA
Choose to Lead Randy G. Pennington
Relocation Darryl Root, R/W-RAC, MBA
The World's Largest Tunnel Barbara Billitzer
Connecting with Partners in Europe William Busch, SR/WA
The Red Envelope Michael F. Yoshiba
Delivering Renewable Energy in Texas Larry Clendennen, CRE
Reaching Your Goals Greg Cooley, SR/WA
IRWA Expands its Global Presence Muzi Shange
The People Factor James Kent and Kevin Preister
IRWA"S 60th Annual International Education Conference  
Birth of a New Course Barbara Billitzer
War Stories Donnie Sherwood, SR/WA, MAI, FRICS
November / December 2013
Presidential Outlook Lisa R. Harrison, SR/WA, R/W-URAC, R/W-RAC, R/W-NAC
Straight Talk Mark Rieck, EVP
ROW Therapy Dr. Mazie Leftwich, Psy.D
Adventures from the Road Jim Broadbent
Back To Basics Carol L. Brooks, SR/WA
Choose to Lead Randy G. Pennington
A Fierce Advocate for Just Compensation Barbara Billitzer
Building Bridges in Africa Barbara Billitzer
A Grassroots Campaign Erik Tilkemeier
Innovative Learning Deidre Alves, M.ED
2013 Project of the Year Competition  
The Partnership to Build America Act Kate Shirley
A Lifetime of Reasons  
How Long will this Pipeline Project Last? Steve Chastain, SR/WA
The Portland-Milwaukie Light Rail Project Leslie Finnigan, SR/WA
IRWA's 2013 Project of the Year Barbara Billitzer
Relocation Darryl Root, R/W-RAC, MBA
Relocating a City Kate Shirley
Top 10 Infrastructure Projects of 2013  
War Stories John G. Holt
September / October 2013
Presidential Outlook Lisa R. Harrison, SR/WA, R/W-URAC, R/W-RAC, R/W-NAC
Straight Talk Mark Rieck, EVP
ROW Therapy Dr. Mazie Leftwich, Psy.D
Relocation Darryl Root, R/W-RAC, JD, MBA
The Future of Personal Transport Kate Shirley
Proposed Legislation seeks to improve pipeline permitting Martin Edwards
Innovative Learning Deidre Alves, M.ED.
Valuing an Encroachment Michael Wolff
Digitizing the Past Angelita Gardner-Kittrell and Jake Stevenson
IRWA's 59th Annual International Education Conference Barbara Billitzer
A Tale of Two Mines Jim "Cap" Caplan
Choose to Lead Randy G. Pennington
Back to Basics Carol L. Brooks, SR/WA
July / August 2013
Presidential Outlook Lisa R. Harrison, SR/WA, R/W-URAC, R/W-RAC, R/W-NAC
Straight Talk Mark Rieck, EVP
Choose to Lead Randy G. Pennington
Back To Basics Carol L. Brooks, SR/WA
Innovative Learning Deidre Alves, M.ED.
The Alliance for Valuation Education David Layne, SR/WA
Bay Area Chapter 2 Celebrates Tara Peterson, SR/WA
Demystifying the Process  
Marketing Yourself as an Expert Witness

Jack P. Friedman, PH.D., MAI, CRE; 
Barry A. Diskin, PH.D., MAI, CRE 
And Nick Ordway, PH.D., J.D.

The New Age of Energy Billy Medley, SR/WA
Targeting In on the Scope of Work Donnie Sherwood, SR/WA, Mai, FRICS
A New Cross-Cultural Relationship Barbara Billitzer
Surging Industries In Global Energy Jim Kent and Kevin Preiester
With Reverance and REspect Relocating a Cemetery Melody Carvajal and Susan Grzybowski
Protecting Bonds to Save Infrastructure and Jobs  
ROW Therapy Dr. Mazie Leftwich, Psy.D
May / June 2013
Presidential Outlook Patricia A. Petitto, SR/WA, R/W-RAC
Straight Talk Mark Rieck, EVP
Choose to Lead Randy G. Pennington
Back To Basics Carol L. Brooks, SR/WA
Innovative Learning Deidre Alves, M.ED.
Federal Agency Update Lee Hamre, SR/WA, R/W-URAC, R/W-RAC
A Report on America's Failing Infrastructure Barbara Billitzer
A Sign of Times Yogesh Khandelwal and Dan Liggett
The Assocation and its Ethical Practices Theresa Brennan, ESQ. and Ronn Carlentine, SR/WA
Today's Boomers Joe Liebhauser, SR/WA
Sharing Our Collective Experiences Timoth Holzhauer, SR/WA, MAI, MRICS, JD
Appraisal Update David Layne, SR/WA
Conflict Management Carol L. Brooks, SR/WA
Relocation Darryl Root, R/W-RAC, JD
ROW Therapy Dr. Mazie Leftwich, Psy.D
March / April 2013
Presidential Outlook Patricia A. Petitto, SR/WA, R/W-RAC
Straight Talk Mark Rieck, EVP
Choose to Lead Randy G. Pennington
Back To Basics Carol L. Brooks, SR/WA
Innovative Learning Deidre Alves, M.ED.
Elevating the Role of Tolling in Transportation Funding Kate Shirley
New Promise for Transmission Line Projects Craig Cox
Remote Sensing in Conservation Eastements Steven Apfelbaum and Jason Carlson
The Vision of CapX2020 Craig Poorker, SR/WA and Pam Rasmussen
Wind Lobby Seeks Path Beyond Boom and Bust Mark Muro and Alex Trembath
Appraising Railroad Corridors John Schmick
Land Surveying in South Africa Simphiwe Ntozini
The Road to Becoming a Right of Way Professional Christopher Morgan, SR/WA
In Search of Mobile Home Comparables Darryl Root, JD, R/W-RAC
ROW Therapy Dr. Mazie Leftwich, Psy.D
January / February 2013
The Role and Development of Online Courses Sheryl Badin, SR/WA
ROW Therapy Dr. Mazie Leftwich, Psy.D
IRWA's 59th Annual International Education Conference  
Just Compensation  
Relocating a Mobile Home Park Darryl Root, R/W-RAC
The Social Risk Jim Kent
Mitigating the Risks Muzi Shange
Revolutionizing the Classroom Frost & Sulivan
Transforming the Land Aimie L. Mims, ARWP
Projects in the Public Eye Joab Ortiz
Innovative Learning Deidre Alves, M.ED.
Choose to Lead Randy G. Pennington
Straight Talk Mark Rieck, EVP
Federal Update Steve Moler
Presidential Outlook Patricia A. Petitto, SR/WA, R/W-RAC
November / December 2012
Presidential Outlook Patricia A. Petitto, SR/WA, R/W-RAC
Straight Talk Mark Rieck, EVP
In The News  
Social Media Kate Shirley
Choose To Lead Randy G. Pennington
Back To Basics Carol L. Brooks, SR/WA
Top 10 Projects Showcase a Multi-Disciplined Profession  
IRWA's 2012 Project of the Year Barbara Billitzer
2012 Project of the Year Competition  
Working Together for Progress Ryan NG
Taking on a Data Migration Yogesh Khandelwal
Rails-to-Trails Property Rights Kurt C. Kielish, ASA, IFAS, SR/WA, R/W-AC
CTfastrak Bruce C. Cowdrey
Letter to the Editor  
Behind The Scenes Cynthia Gan, SR/WA
Chapter Spotlight Tara Peterson, SR/WA
ROW Therapy Dr. Mazie Leftwich, Psy.D
September / October 2012
The Intricacies of Course Revisions Janet Walker, SR/WA, R/W-NAC
ROW Therapy Dr. Mazie Leftwich, Psy.D
IRWA's 58th Annual International Education Conference Barbara Billitzer
Map-21 and its Effect on the URA  
Market Value Relationships Richard L. Parli, MAI
Digital Parcels Go Geospatial Dr. Brady Foust
Transit Oriented Development: A Viable Solution to revitalize Inner Cities Liam Cunningham
An Interview with IRWA International President 
Patricia Petitto, SR/WA, R/W-RAC
Barbara Billitzer
Forensic Animation Gives Jury the Big Picture Jason Fries
Disconnecting from Distractions Carol L. Brooks, SR/WA
Choose to Lead Randy G. Pennington
Straight Talk Mark Rieck, EVP
July/August 2012
Presidential Outlook Patricia A.Petitto , SR/WA, R/W-RAC
Straight Talk Mark Rieck, EVP
ROW Therapy Dr. Mazie Leftwich, Psy.D
Choose To Lead Randy G. Pennington
Back To Basics Carol L. Brooks, SR/WA
International Outreach Kate Shirley
The Voice of Transportation Barbara Billitzer
The National Road Infrastructure in its infancy Larry Stevens, SR/WA
Financing Our Nation's Highway Projects Robert Kleinburd
Infrastructure Growth in South Africa Spurs Widespread Opportunities Barbara Billitzer
Saving Fasttrack Alternative Energy Futures at Stake James A. Kent and John Ryan
Taking Teamwork to a New Level Thomas Gately
Estimating The Value of an Odor and Noise Easement Michael Wolff
An Esteemed Reputation Spans Four Decades Tamara Vorwald, AGI Resources
May/June 2012
Presidential Outlook Randy A. Williams, SR/WA, MAI, FRICS
Straight Talk Mark Rieck, EVP
ROW Therapy Dr. Mazie Leftwich, Psy.D
Choose To Lead Randy G. Pennington
Back To Basics Carol L. Brooks, SR/WA
IRWA's Week in Washington Lee Hamre, SR/WA, R/W-URAC, R/W-RAC
The Upsohot of Shale Bruce Trepl and Julie Rasmussen
Bringing Energy Security to America Barbara Billitzer
The Strategies Behind Real Estate Licensure Steven B. Chastain, SR/WA
Transmission Line Impacts on Rural Property Value James A. Chalmers, PH.D.
Predicting " Reasonably Near Future" in Highest and Best Use Wayne Rasmussen
Social Ecology James A. Kent
Relocation Darryl Root, JD, M.B.A., R/W-RAC
Success Stories Angel Banks
March/April 2012
Presidential Outlook Randy A. Williams, SR/WA, MAI, FRICS
Straight Talk Mark Rieck, EVP
Federal Update Laurie F. Markoe, INGAA Foundation Chair
ROW Therapy Dr. Mazie Leftwich, Psy.D
Choose To Lead Randy G. Pennington
Back to Basics Carol L. Brooks, SR/WA
International Outreach David Layne, SR/WA
Consultants Roundtable Faith a. Roland, SR/WA
Shedding Light on Electric Transmission Nicolas Anitsakis
Edwin Trapp
GIS Delivers Insight into Pipeline Construction Devon A. Cancilla, PH.D.
Valuation of Avigation Easements Gary David Strauss
Eminent Domain Dispute: The role of Mediation Stanley A. Leasure
The added Value of Assembling Parcels Wayne Rasmussen
Linking the North and South Patricia L. Jones, SR/WA
The Pitfalls of Busines Relocations  
Going out of Business  
IRWA's Evolving Membership  
Tiger Grants Pave the Way Barbara Billitzer
January/February 2012
Presidential Outlook Randy A. Williams, SR/WA, MAI, FRICS
Straight Talk Mark Rieck, IRWA Executive Vice President
ROW Therapy Dr. Mazie Leftwich, Psy.D
Choose To Lead Randy G. Pennington
Back To Basics Carol L. Brooks, SR/WA
Social Media Kate Shirley
We All Fall Down Barry B. Lepatner
Improving our Nation's Levees Paul Enneking
The Promise and Peril of corridor expansion James A. Kent
A Bridge Reborn Barbara Billitzer
Pipeline Route Selection Mark Nussbaum, SR/WA
Navigating the Land Use Maze Reid C. Wilson
Leveraging mobility for the Right of Way Professional Yogesh Khandelwal
Relocation Q & A  
November/December 2011
Managing our Public Lands Steven W. Anderson
The Impact of Future Site Trafic Wayne Rasmussen
Offers as a Market Value Indicator Jack P. Friedman, PH.D., CPA, MAI, FRICS
Understanding Property Conditions David R. Lewis, SR/WA, ASA, MRICS
IRWA welcomes South Africa as Chapter 83 Barbara Billitzer
IRWA'S Project of the Year Barbara Billitzer
College Outreach  
A Sustainable Approach to Urban Life: Transit-Oriented Development Kate Shirley
China: In Pursuit of IRWA Training and Credentials Barbara Billitzer
Consultants Roundtable Kerry L. Malone and
Robert W. Roberts
ROW Therapy Dr. Mazie Leftwich, Psy.D
Choose To Lead Randy G. Pennignton
What's in you Box? Carol L. Brooks, SR/WA
FERC and IRWA Partner on Public Outreach Val K. Hatley, SR/WA
INEC Update  
Straight Talk Mark Rieck, EVP
Presidential Outlook Randy A. Williams, SR/WA, MAI, FRICS
In Appreciation  
September/October 2011
Straight Talk Mark Rieck, EVP
Choose To Lead Randy G. Pennington
ROW Therapy Dr. Mazie Leftwich, Psy.D
Federal Update Kate Shirley
Back To Basics Carol L. Brooks, SR/WA
An Interview With IRWA International President
Randy A. Williams, SR/WA, MAI, FRICS
Barbara Billitzer
Fast-Food Resturant Seeks Just Compensation Donald J. Sherwood, SR/WA, MAI, FRICS
Highest and Best Use Thomas P. Stowe, SR/WA, R/W-AC, SRA
The Virtual Workplacde Rachel King and Judith Shulman
Successful Negotiations: The Three C's Carol L. Brooks, SR/WA
IRWA 57th Annual International Education Conference Barbara Billitzer
Sustainability Barbara Billitzer
July / August 2011
Back to Basics Carol L. Brooks, SR/WA
Choose To Lead Randy G. Pennington
Federal Update Barbara Billitzer
A Inside View of Utility Coordination Tom Donovan
What Constitutes a Public Use? Larry Stevens, SR/WA
Multi-Phased Projects and the Ticking Clock David Leighow
Fiber Optic Valuation

Gary Valentine, SR/WA, MAI, ASA, CCIM &
Thurman Hodges, SR/WA, MBA

Partnership for Sustainable Communities Celebrates 2nd Anniversary Barbara Billitzer
The Trust Method for Successful Negotiations Carol L. Borrks, SR/WA
Highways and Byways Road Trippin' - 60's Style Eric Finn, ESQ.
Young Professionals Bradley a. Bujan
The Big Picture William J. Scarpino
Federal Relocation Guidance  
Going Green Barbara Billitzer
ROW Therapy Mazie Leftwich, Psy.D
May /June 2011
Relocating the Marine Corps James A. Kent, Kevin Preister and John Ryan
Safeguarding the Region's Water Mike Flanagan, SR/WA, R/W-NAC
The Pioneer Spirit Gary Majors, SR.
Better.Faster.Smarter Dheeraj Kulshrestha
ROW Therapy Mazie Leftwich, Psy.D
The Growing Demands for Wetland Wayne Rasmussen
Root of the Problem

Christoph Bennerscheidt, DIPL.-ING. 
Bert Bosseler PD, DR.-ING 
William L. Busch, SR/WA 
Michael T. Stift, PE 
Dr. Thomas Stutzel, Prof.

Freight Comes Full Circle Bill R. Medley, SR/WA
It's the Journey that Counts Valerie Fries Wade, MM, CAE
Back to Basics Carol L. Brroks, SR/WA
No Parking Doug Nitzkorski, SR/WA, MAI
Electric Transmission Lines and Rural Land Values Thomas O. Jackson, PH.D., AICP, MAI, CRE, FRICS
San Diego Chapter Goes Collegiate Zachary Svelling
Choose to Lead Randy G. Pennington
March/April 2011
Join-Use Cellular Facilities Barbara Billitzer
Automating the Process Dave Leonard
Brown to Green David Laney, CHMM
Electric Transmission Lines John Schmick
Right of Way on the Big Screen David Layne, SR/WA, ASA
US 99: California's Unifying Link Larry Stevens, SR/WA
The Art of Negotiation Carol Brooks, SR/WA
Annual Education Conference  
Career Stories Joachim (Joe) Pestinger, SR/WA
ROW Therapy Dr. Mazie Leftwich, Psy.D
Back to Basics Carol L. Brooks, SR/WA
Choose to Lead Randy G. Pennington
Federal Update  
Building Alliances Barbara Billitzer
Career Path Valerie Fries Wade, MM, CAE
January/February 2011
ROW Therapy Dr. Mazie Leftwich, Psy.D
Choose to Lead Randy G. Pennington
Strengthening our Communities Joan Morgan
Relocating an Airport Jan Rybak-Matalon, SR/WA, R/W-RAC
The Effect of Natural Gas Pipelines on Residential Value Barry A. Diskin, PH.D., MAI, CRE
Jackk P. Friedman, PH.D., MAI, CRE, FRICS
Spero C. Peppas, PH.D.
Stephanie R. Peppas, MAT
Ease-Ment: The Art of Negotiation Carol Brooks, SR/WA
Start a College Outreach Program James Anthony, SR/WA, R/W-NAC
In Pursuit of Educational Excellence  
Chapter 36 Celebrates 50th Anniversay  
Back to Basics Carol L. Brooks, SR/WA
Career Path Valerie Fries Wade, MM, CAE
Consultants Roundtable Kerry Malone
Social Ecology James A. Kent
November/December 2010
Consultants Roundtable Wade Brown
Drawing the Line Wendy Lathrop, PLS, CFM
Delivering On-Site Training to the Navy Barbara Billitzer
International Outreach Kate Shirley
Eminent Domain in the United Kingdom Keith Murray, FRICS
Colin Smith, FRICS
Relocation Q & A  
Human Geographic Maping James A. Kent
A Blueprint for Leadership  
Makings of a Winner Barbara Billitzer
Electrin Transmission Lines Thomas Jackson, PH.D., AICP, MAI, CRE, FRICS
Choose to Lead Randy G. Pennington
What Can I Learn From This? Carol L. Brooks, SR/WA
September/October 2010
Federal Update Kate Shirley
Choose to Lead Randy G. Pennington
Row Therapy Dr. Mazie Leftwich, Psy.D
Social Ecology James A. Kent
Consultants Roundtable Gary Bland
Faith a. Roland, SR/WA 
International Outreach Kate Shirley
56th Annual International Education Conference  
Inside the Funding Process Barbara Billitzer
Compulsory Purchase Compensation Geoff Fisher, FRICS
Brownfields to Brightfields Daniel E. Johnson
An Interview with IRWA International President Barbara Billitzer
July/Aug 2010
Presidential Outlook Kenneth L. Davis, SR/WA
Straight Talk Mark Rieck, EVP
Federal Update Val K. Hatley, SR/WA
Choose to Lead Randy G. Pennington
Row Therapy Dr. Mazie Leftwich, Psy.D
Social Ecology James A. Kent
Consultants Roundtable Connie W. Williford, MAI
William S. Bacon
Jack Curatelli, SR/WA
International Outreach Kate Shirley
Shale Gas Rocks the World Barbara Billitzer
The Benefits of Acquisition Incentives Christopher A. Krier, SR/WA, R/W-RAC
Overhead Utility Crossings Johnn T. Schmick & Robert J. Strachota, MAI, CRE
The Formula for Billboard Valuation Richard E. Welch, SRPA, SRA, SR/WA, R/W-AC
Build It and They Will Come Valerie Fries Wade, MM
Creating Value with Strategic Asset Management Gordan E. MacNair, SR/WA AACI, P.APP
May/June 2010
Presidential Outlook Sandy A. Grigg, SR/WA
Straight Talk Mark Rieck, EVP
Federal Update Bernard J. Ward
Choose to Lead Randy G. Pennington
Row Therapy Dr. Mazie Leftwich, Psy.D
Social Ecology James A. Kent
Going Green Kate Shirley
Consultants Roundtable Bernard J. Ward
Neilia LaValle 
Randy A. Williams, SR/WA, MAI, FRICS
Teri J. Morgan, SR/WA, R/W-RAC, R/W-NAC
International Outreach Viresh Singh
Making It Happen (The Nation's First Solar Highway) Barbara Billitzer
Superconductor Electricity Pipelines Narend Reddy
Interpreting Consistent Use Methodology John Schmick
The Underground World of Pipeline Appraisal David Howell, SR/WA
March/April 2010
International Outreach Kate Shirley
Federal Update Daniel Mathis
Federal Agency Update Highlights  
Going Green Kate Shirley
Social Ecology James A. Kent
Row Therapy Dr. Mazie Leftwich, Psy.D
Consultants RoundTable Trent Oglesby & Catherine Colan Muth 
Ray Armstrong, SR/WA & Denise Jackson
Career Path Valerie Fries
Are We Out of Recession? Donald J. Sherwood, MAI, SR/WA, FRICS &
Dalton D. Vann, MRE
Rockies Express Barbara Billitzer
A Holistic Approach to Asset Management Russell Crook, SR/WA & Norah Prior
Getting Your Assets to Pay William R. Phelps, A.F.M.
Safegaurding Against Fraud Mark Keller, SR/WA, ASA
January/February 2010
Presidential Outlook Sandy A. Grigg, SR/WA
Straight Talk Mark Rieck, EVP
International Outreach Glenn Winfree, SR/WA, R/W-NAC, R/W-EC
Federal Update John P. Campbell, P.E., SR/WA
Going Green Kate Shirley
Social Ecology James A. Kent
Row Therapy Dr. Mazie Leftwich, Psy.D
Consultants RoundTable  
Career Path Valerie Fires Wade, Chief of Education
Working Smart (Workplace Conflict) Kate Shirley
End of an Eminent Domain Battle Scott Bullock
The Great Encourager Interview with Bill Medley, SR/WA Barbara Billitzer
Systematic Underfunding of Road Maintenance Duane Hoover
Retail Gas Properties: Economics of Access Robert E. Baingridge, MAI, SRI, MRICS
Sharing Railroad Corridors (A Question of Wonership) Wendy Lathrop, PLS, CFM